Playlist of the Week

It is the last Monday for the month of February so of course I have to post my playlist of my favorite songs I heard through out the month. I heard a lot of songs this month that I really dug thus this month's mix is longer than past monthly mixes. February was also a really great month for new albums. Bloody Tyrant and Lovebites both put out releases that I adore Hagkure II and Judgement Day

Songs to Check Out:
"Metal Kingdom" by Babymetal 
"Abi Iche Zoku" by Bloody Tyrant 
"Ghosts Again" by Depeche Mode
"Good Day to be Loved" by JinE
"Memorable" by Band-Maid
"Wicked Witch" by Lovebites
"The Dark Tower" by Burning Witches"


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