Weekly Working From Home Playlist

 It is Sunday afternoon again! It is a Japanese metal heavy week for sure but I also have a few other albums to give my ears a temporary rest from the loud guitars. I really need to listen to the latest albums from Fate Gear and Nemophilia. I have completely forgotten about them so they are high on my list of what albums I should listen to this week while I am working during the day.

Annie: Dark Hearts

Arch Enemy: Deceivers

Battle Beast: No More Hollywood Endings

Black Kirin: Qian Nian

Burning Witches: The Witch of the North

Fate Gear: Killers in the Sky pt. 2

GRAND FINALE: Quantum Moment

Hatchie: Giving the World Away

The HU: Rumble of Thunder

Liv Moon: Our Stories

Lovebites: Heavy Metal Never Dies (Live at Tokyo Dome Hall 2021)

MakeMake: M.A.K.E

Mari Hamada: Return to Myself

Ndlovu Youth Choir: Rise

Nemophilia: Seize the Fate

NoSo: Stay Proud of Me

Onmyo-za: Ryuuoudouji

Re:NO: Dreamer

Schonberg: Baroque Gravity

Serenity is Murder: The Eclipse

Twilight Blooming: Song of the Warrior

Windrunner: Mai

Sounds of Asia: Post-Punk

Sounds of Asia: The Original Mix

Headbanger's Ball

Manic Monday: My Favorite Bangles Songs

Nightwish Tour 2022 Playlist


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