Albums and playlists I am currently listening to

This week I have been listening a lot to Vivaldi's The Four Seasons and Loreena McKennitt's The Visit (mostly outside of work). The music on those albums have been very comforting to me since I have been unusually cranky this past week. Music like Vivaldi and Loreena McKennitt just helps balance my mood out (that and not being in my cubicle surrounded by people I am not particularly fond of).

I have always loved Vivaldi's The Four Seasons for as long as I can remember, going all the way back to my childhood. I grew up on classical music but eventually it was inevitable that I would start listening to music that my parents weren't into which was top 40. 

Although The Visit wasn't my first Loreena McKennitt album I bought, her song "All Souls Night" was the first song I had heard from her on the radio while in high school. I thought Loreena had the most beautiful voice ever when I first heard the song. I still think that way to this very day.

This week I started listening to a couple of albums I have neglected for a long time Blume's excellent debut album Rise From Grey and Haberdashery's Tonight the Angels, two really great synthpop albums. I really do recommend checking these albums out. The music is really beautiful as are the lyrics. If anyone who reads this blog likes Erasure, I think they would like Haberdashery's album.

As I have mentioned in last night's blog, I bought a ticket for the upcoming Chelsea Wolfe/Youth Code show so I have been listening to their latest albums quite a bit this week especially Chelsea's album Hiss Spun. I won't lie, I wasn't a fan of her previous album Abyss but I found Hiss Spun completely satisfying and enjoyable to listen to (probably due to the fact that this year has been awfully shitty to me). I have been in a pretty bad mood for the last few months so the noise levels of this album and Chelsea's vocals really resonated with me.

Since it was recently announced that Lords of the Lost won't be touring with KMFDM, I started listening to some of their music. Their new album Swan Songs II just came out yesterday. It is pretty good. Still can't say I am fan. I listened to their last album. I could only listen to it for a certain amount of time before the music got on my last nerves. I have to listen to Swan Songs II a few more times.

If you haven't heard of Drab Majesty, you should now. I have been listening to their latest album and really liking it a lot. That's all I have to say at the moment about them. Haven't heard their other releases.




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