What I am currently listening to

Chandeen: Teenage Poetry

I finally got around to buying Teenage Poetry after listening to a few songs off the album on youtube. I absolutely freaking love it. I find the music so soothing and relaxing to listen to after I get home from work.

Beauty 2: Music That Touches the Soul

This is a compilation available only through Barnes and Noble. Apparently Neurodisc has struck an exclusive distribution deal with B&N so you won't be able to find a copy anywhere else. The music is a collection of electronica, folk, and classical music. I think it is worth checking out. I really dug the tracks by Blue Stone, Joanna Stevens, Chandeen, and Zoe Johnston.

Faithless: Sunday 8pm

Last weekend I went to The Electric Fetus to find a birthday gift for my father. I found a used copy of one of my all time favorite electronica albums Sunday 8pm by Faithless, and the limited edition featuring a second disc of remixes. I sold my copy years ago for much needed cash. I immediately bought the cd for $5. I almost forgot just how good this album is. All of the songs still sounds fresh and invigorating as I first heard it over ten years ago.


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