Getting to Know the Kilted Farmer team

My friend and fellow KFK member Renee came up with the great idea of "getting to know the Kilted Farmer team" blog series. The first blog in the series begins with our fearless leader Trace. Since I am part of the street team, I thought I would post my info :).

Name: Erica

Role: Street Team Member

Current Favorite Album: Icon:Koru by SITD

Most Anticipated Album: Letting Go by Stray

Favorite Recently Released Album (Within the last past year): Nightglory by Kirlian Camera

Touring Act You've Seen Live the Most Times: a tie between VNV Nation &Tori Amos (4x each)

Most Memorable Past Live Show; Unter Null

What Are You Most Excited About Musically Right Now: Ashbury Heights working on new music after a legal battle with its label Out of Line.

Name One Band You Think Deserves More Recognition: Javelynn

Other Music-Related Activities: I think this site is the most obvious music-related activity ;).


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