My 10 favorite artists/bands outside of goth, industrial, and synthpop

A couple of days ago I had posted a Dolly Parton song on FB and one my friends on the website said that he was surprised to know that I dug Dolly Parton. Believe it or not I do listen to artists and bands outside of goth, industrial, metal, and synthpop ;). I thought I would share with my blog readers my other musical interests.

10. Benedictines of Mary Queen of Apostle - normally I am not big on religious music but I love the latest album by this group of women. They all sing acapella. Beautiful mix of choral and Gregorian chants.

09. Delta Rae - love this band. I had borrowed their album Carry the Fire from the library earlier this year after hearing their song "Bottom of the River" on VH1 earlier this year and absolutely LOVED it. I ended buying my own copy. My favorite song? "Dance in the Graveyard". I absolutely love the Day of the Dead feel to the video, not to mention the song itself.

08. Dolly Parton - yes I love Dolly Parton's music without shame. I love how honest and sincere her music is. There is nothing trite or phoney about her music unlike today's crop of country/western/pop acts out there today.

07. Saint Etienne - I recently fell back in love with this indie pop band from the UK when I found a used copy of Tiger Bay at the Electric Fetus. Awesome album, awesome band.

06. Sarah Brightman - I have been a fan of Sarah Brightman's music for a decade now. I will be seeing her for the first time in concert this fall. So excited. And I see she has a new PBS special coming out sometime this month. Yay!

05. Vicci Martinez -I'll fess up. I really don't care for singing competitions or those who go on those cheesy shows but for some odd reason I really like Vicci Martinez. I guess it is her raspy voice.

04. Vivaldi - I grew up on baroque/classical music in my family. Some of my earliest musical memories includes listening to the sounds of Pachebel, Bach, Beethoven, and Vivaldi. Still love that sort of music, especially Vivaldi's "Four Seasons".

03. Enya - I am not embarrassed or ashamed when I say that I love listening to Enya's music. I find her music very relaxing to listen to.

02. Johann Sebastian Bach

01. Loreena McKennitt - absolutely love this woman and her music. I do hope that I would get to see her perform live again in this lifetime.


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