My Current Favorite Songs

It is Thursday again. Here is a collection of my current favorite songs. Still love the song "Bravery" by Assemblage 23 which is easily my favorite song off Endure. As much as I wasn't really crazy about Keri Berg on Ashbury Height's Take Cair Paramour album (didn't think she was as good as a singer as Yasmine Yaz was), I did like some of the album. I particularly loved "Kingdom Confession". Back on an Autumn kick this week. Been listening to Return To The Breath practically every day this week. I hate waiting for another opportunity to see the band live. Also included some new tracks by Delerium and Junksista. The more I listen to the new Delerium album, the more likely I will go buy the album on CD. Also included some old tracks I have loved over the years especially the Sunscreem song.


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