
Showing posts from March, 2015

5 Artists You Should Check Out

Weekly Playlist for 03/30 to 04/05

Office Playlist of the Week

Speak in Storms tour: Seabound with Architect at Amsterdam Bar and Hall

End of the Week lists

Throwback Thursday: 1995

Old and New Favorite Songs of the Week

Upcoming Kilted Farmer Koncerts shows

Weekly Playlist For the Week of 3/23-3/29

Office Playlist of the Week

Album of the Week: Monument by Angels & Agony

End of the Week lists

Throwback Thursday: The Bellwether Syndicate with The Foreign Resort

Old and New Favorite Songs

Weekly Playlist for 03/17-03/22

End of the Week Lists

Throwback Thursday: My Favorite '80s Soundtracks

Old and New Favorite Songs of the Week

Some Food For Thought: Why I support Viet Cong (the band)

Music that needs to be heard

International Women's day: Women who has influenced me

2:54 with Honeyblood at 7th Street Entry on 03.06.15

Releases from SkyQode worth checking out

Throwback Thursday: My Favorite Albums From 1998

Old and New Favorite Songs

March Events in the Twin Cities

My 10 Favorite '90s Techno Songs

Office Playlists of the Week