
Showing posts from April, 2017

Weekly Office Playlist

Albums and Playlists I Am Currently Listening to

My Current Favorite Songs

Earworm of the Week

Office Playlist of the Week

Albums and Playlists I am Currently Listening to

My Current Favorite Songs

Earworm of the Week

Album of the Week: Trauma: Ritual by [:SITD:]

Playlist of the week

Weekly Office Playlist

Albums and Playlists I Am Currently Listening to

Music to check out

My Current Favorite Songs

Earworm of the Week

Album of the Week: Floodland by The Sisters of Mercy

Playlist of the Week

Weekly Office Playlist

Albums and Playlists I Am Currently Listening to

My Current Favorite Songs

Earworm of the week

Album of the Week: Hungry For Stink by L7

Playlist of the Week

Weekly Office Playlist

Albums and Playlists I Am Currently Listening to