CDs for sale

It is that time again for me to purge my CD collection. I decided this time to try to sell a few of my cds on but for the most part I am selling the really good stuff on ebay. I know I have some loyal followers who buys my music on ebay. eanderson1974 is my user ID on So here is what I am selling on Amazon:

Howard Jones: The Very Best of

Regenerator: Disease

State of the Union: Black City Lights

I have had no success in selling my State of the Union and Regenerator cds on ebay. Amazon is my last resort. If you are into female fronted industrial music and synthpop, I think you would dig the sounds of Regenerator and State of the Union.

Here are the CDs I am selling on ebay as eanderson74:

Funker Vogt: Companion in Crime

Snog: Babes in Consumerland

Machineries of Joy Volume 5

William Control: Silentium Amoris

The Green Children: Encounter

Cyferdyne: Genesys


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