Album of the week

When I got my copy of the new Psy'Aviah album Lightflare in the mail last week, I received a free copy of the latest compilation from Alfa Matrix Records which features bands signed to Alfa Matrix. Considering Cosmic Armchair had just released their debut album Contact late last year, I am a bit surprised they were not included on this compilation. That's alright though, the compilation has some seriously killer artists on it from Mondtraume (one of my favorite synthpop bands in the past few years) to the harsher sounds of AD:KEY, it is a good mix to satisfy both of my cravings for harsh music or melodic synthpop.

Favorite Songs:
"Monday" by Junksista feat. Essence of Mind
"Kamikaze Angel" by Helalyn Flowers
"Dead Sea" by Lovelorn Dolls
"Blacklist" by Sin.Sin feat. Helalyn Flowers


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