Top 10 Best of 2018 (so far)

Now that 2018 is starting to slowly wind down and there had been quite a few new releases since my last updated list of my best of 2018 list, I thought now would be a good time to share some of my favorite releases of 2018. A lot has changed since I posted a list of my favorite releases I had heard this year so far. When the time comes to put together my final list, it is going to be a challenge. I will probably do a top 20 list considering all the excellent music I have heard this year.

The only two albums that are going to give Autumn's excellent third album Chandelier (which was so well worth the long ass wait) a run for its money to be at the top spot on my best of 2018 list are the new Ashbury Heights and Sleepthief albums. Considering how long it has been since Autumn released new music after Return to the Breath, Chandelier for me was the most anticipated release of  2018 (sorry VNV Nation, Sleepthief, Blume, and Kirlian Camera). The wait was definitely worth it. Time has healed the band members after they had gone through some difficult times which led to the band going on a very lengthy hiatus. I also could hear the growth and  maturity of the band through out the album. The lyrics are not as dark and angst filled as heard on The Hating Tree.

Not to say the wait for the new Sleepthief wasn't worth it, and it certainly was since it had been 9 years ago when Labyrinthine Heart came out. Since I contributed to Justin's crowdfunding campaign for the production of the album, I was more than eager to hear Mortal Longing. I was not disappointed. The album has picked up where Labyrinthine Heart left out. Love all the artists Justin picks to sing on his songs.

As much as I love the new Blume, Nordika, and Unity One albums, I have to say the new Ashbury Heights album is my favorite synthpop album of 2018. Asides from the great pop hooks Anders incorporated in his songs, I can relate so much to his lyrics since we both lost a parent in recent years. I can hear some of his grief come through in his lyrics.

The rest of the list were also worth the wait and worth hearing. MNYMNS's Bind was not something I was expecting. It is only three songs long but I absolutely love this EP by the Texas based synthpop band. There are quite a few other albums that I love and would have included on this current list but I wanted to keep this list to ten (i.e Android Lust, Helix, Nordika to name just a few). VNV Nation's next album Noire comes out next month, super excited over that release, and in a couple of days Your Own Shadow by Valerie Renay of Noblesse Oblige comes out which I am very much looking forward to hearing in its entirety. 2018 has really been an amazing year for new music. 

01. Autumn: Chandelier

02. Ashbury Heights: The Victorian Wallflower

03. Sleepthief: Mortal Longing

04. MNYMNS: Bind

05. Blume: Ashes

06. Kirlian Camera: Hologram Moon

07. Hanzel und Gretyl: Satanik Germanik

08. Helalyn Flowers: Nyctophilia

09. Psy'Aviah: Lightflare

10. Unity One: Awakening


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