Earworm of the week
Last week Chelsea Wolfe dropped a new song from her upcoming acoustic album Birth of Violence (on Sargent House) called "Be All Things". I finally got around to listening to the song this morning at work. I have been listening to it all day long. The song gives me goose bumps and sends chill down my spine. It is easily my favorite track I have heard so far from the new album. I ended up pre-ordering the album this morning without hesitation after hearing the song for the first time. While I do love Chelsea's noisier music, I really love it when she strips her music down to the basics and just let her music shine through the music as she does on this track. It is too bad the Twin Cities is not on her upcoming tour this fall. I would go to the Chicago gig but I already have booked my next trip to Chicago for February. I am glad I got to see her live in 2017 with Youth Code. Chelsea was phenomenal live.
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